
Setup a new webhook endpoint

You can subscribe to different events by creating webhook endpoints in the Settings section

You can find an up-to-date events list at the end of this page.


Your endpoint have to respond with a success status. If it responds with a 4XX or 5XX, it will retry multiple times.

On the first fail, it will retry multiple times in the next 2 days. Your server should handle duplicates if you are queueing requests.

It will send you a warning email if it fails after ~10m.

If it fails after all these retries, it will disable your webhook and send you an email.

Payload format

The body:

  "event": "request_approved",
  "object_id": 9001,
  "object_type": "request",
  "fired_at": 1617885562,
  "data": data_object


The headers contains 2 additional values:

The X-Hub-Signature enables you to verify the sender (in case someone tries to send payloads to your webhhok endpoint).

In order to calculate the X-Hub-Signature, you have to perform the following operation (example in ruby):


Available events

There's currently the following implemented events: